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Sxe's Guide to the maze!

Previously there circulated a Magic Mail called Sxe's AIEW Harl Solo Strategy. This text builds on, refines, and clarifies that strategy. There are two parts: true soloing of maze, using only one toon (no groups); and speed maze, using two toons in order to maximize the speed of fights (40-60 seconds per fight with outliers as far as 24 seconds and 90 seconds).

Using this strategy you can quickly level high-level toons that are generally very slow to level (all-intelligence elf wizards, other high-int toons), or hunt for very good experience and treasure at very low levels while in a group. Best of all, if you follow the strategy to the letter, not only will you never die, you won't *ever* get hit and lose experience.

Throughout this guide I will be numbering combat rounds 1, 2, 3, etc, but if due to spell resistance/cast resistance you don't end up completing all the necessary actions, you will have to "repeat" the round. For this strategy you will also need to count rounds in your head. It's not your regular mindless ASGW click-attack-button strategy! Make sure the round count in your head doesn't get messed up when you repeat a round of instructions. If you're using Orbs of Holding instead of your own Hold Monster spell, you might also need to count how many charges out of 30 you have left on your orb(s) so you don't leave yourself high and dry!

In order to make my instructions easier I will assume you have a 5-round Hold Monster spell (really, you shouldn't have any less, since you can just substitute an Orb of Holding), and a 7-round Freeze spell. An AIEW will generally have MUCH longer spell durations, but this is the minimum you need.

BEFORE YOU EVEN START, do a little research on your toon. Make sure you know the exact number of rounds your Freeze spell lasts, with and without Extension. Same goes for your Hold Monster spell. You need to know how long your Freeze lasts so you can recast it at the last possible moment and keep your opponent perpetually frozen.


At low levels (150-300), stick to one low-HP Harlequin per toon. By about level 300, you should be able to take any Harl. At higher levels (400+), if a Rapscallion jumps you, you can take it down pretty quickly even without being able to Hold it. Once you're about level 600 things start to get fun, because your summoned Illusionary Foes have enough HP to survive a couple hits. You can easily take two-Harl groups. An AIEW of level 850 + can technically solo a group of up to five Harlequins (although I have never been lucky enough to come across a group of more than three).


Toon Stats:
Level 150+ (Nightmare Helm requirement)
Intelligence 15+ (so your Freeze spell never gets shrugged)
100%+ Mysticism resistance

Amulet of Free Will (for 60% Mysticism resistance)
Nightmare Helm (for 50% Mysticism resistance that doesn't also generate Myst cast resistance)
(Also recommended: if your weapon is a throwing dagger, it's nice to have it without a Venom perm as I will explain later.)

Spells: Freeze, Illusionary Foe, Hold Monster (Also recommended: Invulnerability/Greater Shield, Shift, Extension, Duach's Vengeance)


Round -1. (Pre-Maze entry)

Make sure your Nightmare Helm and Amulet of Free Will are equipped.

Make sure you have enough Orbs of Holding to last you for the duration of your hunt (remember you will have MANY failed/resisted casts, so carry at least FIVE Orbs of Holding).

If you're new to this strategy, buff yourself to decrease your chances of dying if you screw up. Cast Invulnerability, Extended Greater Invisibility, and any other buffs you think you might need. Drink a Potion of Shifting if you have one.

Cast Extension and enter the Maze.

Round 0. (Maze Behaviour)

If you are not wearing your Amulet of Free Will, equip it as quickly as possible. (You may want to put your AoFW in a specific spot in your inventory, like first or last, in order to be able to do this in a split second.)

If you get jumped or ambushed, flee.

Find a Harlequin that isn't grouped with any other creature, click on it, and click "Fight". (Don't make it jump you by casting a curse or Defenselessness as this wastes the Extension spell you cast earlier.) Or, if you prefer, wait until a Harl jumps you.

Round 1.

Cast Freeze on the Harlequin. (You should now begin the countdown until the next time you need to cast Freeze. Remember that the round in which you cast Freeze is also part of the count, just like with Mysticism spells.)


Each round, the Harlequin will do one of two things: cast a Mysticism or Necromancy spell at you, or attack you. If it tried to attack you, the distance it went across the screen will depend on both your Dexterity and your level of encumbrance. Keep this in mind if you've been hunting Maze for awhile and you're all loaded down with treasure and shopfood... the rule I generally use is, I go and sell once I go over 80% encumbrance on an AIEW.

A Harlequin will never cast a Necromancy spell during the first combat round, which is what allows you to fight it at a low level. It will only cast Death Touch on you if it's close enough, IE, if it attacked and got frozen, but still got within range of Death Touch. So if it's close enough to DT you, instead of moving on to Round 2 next combat round, instead click "Move" and move your toon to either the top or the bottom of the screen, out of range of the Death Touch.

Round 2.

Cast Hold Monster on the Harlequin.

If your cast was resisted, repeat Round 2. (Careful with your round counting here. IF YOUR FREEZE COUNT REACHES 1, GO BACK TO Round 1!!!)

If your cast was successful, move on to Round 3. (We will assume a 5-round hold for these instructions.)


AoFW makes your Mysticism spells fail 60% of the time; Harlequins also have a 50% innate resistance to Mysticism spells. This translates to a mere 20% chance that your Hold Monster spell will successfully hold the Harlequin, each time you cast it. Contrary to what you might think, this doesn't make for an extremely slow battle, except on the rare occasions where you'll have to cast Hold Monster (and re-Freeze) as many as 20-25 times before your Hold finally sticks. But each failed round lasts about one second; your cast fails, then the Harl's fails, round ends. Or, your cast fails, and the round ends (because the Harl tried to attack you, but couldn't because it was frozen). Equally many times, your Hold Monster spell will stick on the first try.

Round 3.

Unequip your Amulet of Free Will. (4 rounds of Hold left.)


Unequipping your AoFW allows you 0% Mysticism cast resistance which is necessary for the following rounds.

Round 4.

Cast Illusionary Foe. Place your spell about two squares away from the Harlequin. (3 rounds of Hold left.)


The two-square-away placement is important because it allows your copy to at least get a hit in next round, even if the real Harl counterattacks and kills it (which it will, very, very often!) due to the short movement distance. And any amount of damage helps.

Round 5.

Cast Ilusionary Foe again. Place your spell about two squares away from the Harlequin. (2 rounds of Hold left.)

If you have 2 or fewer rounds of Freeze left, and the enemy Harlequin tried to attack you during the first round of combat, instead cast Freeze on the Harl.


During this round, the copy you summoned last round will either try to cast a Mysticism spell and fail, or it will attack the Harlequin.

If it attacks, the real Harl will do one of two things, depending on whether it tried to attack through the Hold, or cast.

If it tried to attack, it will counterattack your copy and most likely kill it. If it tried to cast, your copy will land every single attack of 6-7. Each attack by your copy does 400 to 9000 damage for an average amount of about 14000 damage per sucessful round. It does this damage REGARDLESS of your level; your higher level only affects your copy's hit points.

If you had 2 or fewer rounds of Freeze left on the Harl and you didn't recast, then you have a 50% chance of getting thwapped once both the Hold and the Freeze wear off. If the Harl decides to attack you, you won't be able to refreeze it before it gets within attack range unless your Dexterity is very, very high (34 or more). If the Harl tries to cast at this point, you dodged a bullet!

Round 6.

Equip your Amulet of Free Will. (Your Hold on the Harlequin expires at the end of this round.)


If the enemy Harl casts again, and both your copies attack it, the enemy Harl will drop dead-- combat over! If even one of your copies attacked, it likely will do enough damage to kill the Harl.

If you're low level, your enemy is most likely still alive, maybe even with full HP. You've probably spent about 40-50 seconds total on this fight so far, so don't worry-- at low levels it can take 2-4 repeats of the entire process to kill a Harl. But the experience will be worth it, and as you gain levels, it only gets quicker and easier, since your Illusionary Foes have more and more HP.

Round 7.

Your action this round depends on a) the Harlequin's remaining HP and b) how many summoned copies are still alive.

IF the Harl has very low HP, attack it with a throwing weapon or cast a damage spell on it (Duach's Vengeance works best) so it dies this round. (If there's a chance the Harl could survive you doing this, then it doesn't have low enough HP.)

IF the Harl has high HP, and you still have one or more Illusionary Foes alive, cast Freeze each remaining round until either the Harl is dead, or your copies are dead and the Harl is frozen.

Round 8.

Rebuff, re-Freeze, cast Extension, or do nothing until the Harl's Myst Resistance wears off, then go back to Round 1. (If you used the time to recast Freeze on the Harl, instead go to Round 2.)


If the Harlequin didn't die during the Round 7 process, you now have a frozen Harl with probably a few remaining rounds of Myst Resistance. You can do whatever you like during these rounds: rebuff yourself, cast Extension and Freeze in order to get a nice long freeze, or simply do nothing. But there is one thing you should NOT do. DO NOT "GUARD". I'm gonna say it again. DO. NOT. GUARD. If you guard, and you're using a throwing weapon, you'll start attacking the Harl, ending its freeze. Even worse, if your weapon is permed with Venom, the Harl will be poisoned, and when you try to refreeze it, the poison damage will unfreeze it again. (This is why it's nice to carry a FIESD Uruz in Maze; you get the strength bonus so you can hold more loot, plus if you accidentally guard, you have a chance of refreezing the Harl and not dying.) So, DON'T GUARD. If you want to do nothing, click "Move" and move 0 or 1 squares.

Round 9.

Collect treasure, heal and rebuff as necessary while still in combat cloud. (You can cast spells after the fight is over by clicking on your toon, then clicking "Cast".)

Click the "EXIT" button to exit combat.

If your Amulet of Free Will is unequipped, equip it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE the moment you exit the combat cloud.

Find another Harlequin to kill!


0. Wear an AoFW and NMH, and have Extension cast before you click "Attack" on a Harl.
1. Cast Freeze.
2. Cast Hold until it sticks. Re-Freeze before the Freeze runs out, if the Hold hasn't stuck yet.
3. Remove your AoFW.
4-5. Cast Ill Foe until you have one more round before the Hold wears off.
6. If the Harl is still alive, re-equip your AoFW.
7. Cast or attack to kill the Harl if its HP is low enough. Otherwise, Freeze it each round until any remaining summoned copies die.
8. If the Harl is still alive, do anything EXCEPT GUARD until its MR wears off, then go back to step 1.
9. When the fight is over, rebuff as necessary in cloud, and if your AoFW is still unequipped, reequip it IMMEDIATELY after you click the Exit button.


I keep getting jumped before I can put my Amulet of Free Will back on after a fight. I get mysted and I die. How do I avoid this?
The best way to do this is to always re-equip your AoFW during a round of combat, so that combat always ends with your AoFW equipped. There are several points in the process where you can alter the strategy a little to enable you to do this.
The main way is to extend your Hold, so you have a few more rounds. A 5-round hold translates into two Ill Foes, which are enough to kill the Harl, but will likely die, especially at low levels. Finding time to cast Extension before your Hold cast will give you a 7-round hold with four ill foes-- a much better chance that at least two will attack your enemy during the round it would have tried to cast, killing it. If you can foresee the round in which the harl will die-- for instance, if it has 8000 HP left and you have two copies still alive-- instead of summoning another copy for overkill, use that round to instead re-equip the AoFW, and help your copies kill it by casting DV during the rounds it's still held. You can always refreeze it afterward if you need to.
Another way to do this is, once your enemy Harl is at a level of HP where you could kill it with two casts of a damage spell but not one, is to freeze the Harl, cast Ill Foe *through* the AoFW you're wearing until you summon one, and then cast your damage spell twice. The enemy Harl will waste a round attacking or trying to Myst your copy.
If you didn't manage to re-equip your AoFW during combat, it's not the end of the world. Having the AoFW first or last in your inventory enables you to quickly re-equip it the moment you exit combat. With practice and strategic placement of your inventory window, you can get your timing down to less than one second. It's true you still might get insta-jumped before that second is up, but the situation in which you can't re-equip the AoFW during combat, and you get insta-jumped, by something that mysts instead of attacks you during the first round, and your NMH doesn't resist the myst cast... this situation is very, very rare.

I can kill one Harlequin solo... how do I do a group of two (or more)?
It's best if you're an AIEW, which is the example I'll use. You have a reliable Freeze of 12 rounds (18 with Extension) and a Hold Monster of 6 rounds (9 with Extension). You don't have to drink a Potion of Shifting before this fight, but it's very helpful (and much easier to explain the probabilities of what will happen) if you do. If you get hit, you might get hit once, so have Invul cast. It is also ESSENTIAL that, if you're wearing a throwing dagger, it has no Venom perm.
You begin this combat as you normally would, by casting Freeze... the fun is, you don't know who to cast on! There are essentially four outcomes.
1. Both Harls try to cast on you first round. You Freeze one, then next round, freeze the other. You can cast Extension and then Freeze again to even out the timing of your Freeze spells, if you like.
2. One Harl attacks, one Harl casts, and you get lucky and Freeze the one that attacked. Freeze the caster next round, then get them both under an Extended Freeze.
3. One Harl attacks, the other casts, and you Freeze the caster. In this situation, you'll get hit once but you'll shift away. If you counterattack the attacker, that's OK as long as your weapon has no Venom! Freeze it next round, then get both Harls under an Extended Freeze.
4. Both Harls attack you. You'll get hit once, but you'll shift away. Freeze the one that hit you, then get them both under an Extended Freeze.
In situations 3 and 4, if you are close enough to a Harl that it might be able to Death Touch you, move or Combat Teleport (better) away before proceeding.
Keep track of your Freeze counts for both Harls while trying to Extended Hold the first one. As soon as your Extended Hold sticks, start casting Ill Foes 2-3 squares away from the held Harl. If you encountered situation 1, where the Harls are right on top of each other, and you held the top Harl, put the copies at the very top of the screen. If you held the bottom Harl, put the copies at the bottom. This gives your copies a better chance of attacking the held Harl. With your 20% chance of success, across eight casts of Ill Foe, you should have 1.6 Ill foes whacking your held Harl. Two is usually enough to kill it, especially if they were successfully summoned early in the round, but you will have to use your judgment. Keep in mind your freeze counter on the un-held Harl too, and re-freeze it instead of summoning another Ill Foe, if you need to. Once the first Harl drops dead, you can proceed normally on the second.
Here's an additional strategy you can use, if you're high level and your Harls have a lot of HP. If you're lucky enough to summon a copy on your first or second cast of Ill Foe through the AoFW, instead of trying to summon another one next round, insure your luck by casting Invul on your copy. Your Greater Heal and Invul casts are 100% successful, unlike your Ill Foe casts that are 20% successful, so sometimes it's worth it to keep a lucky early copy alive to bash on the Harl for the full rounds that it's Held.
Killing a group of more than two Harlequins is quite possible, although challenging, once you're a high level. The fight can take awhile but at this point you should have enough HP that, should lots of the Harls attack you during the first round, you can take a couple hits before you get them all frozen.

This strategy doesn't work. My Ill Foes always die in one shot.
It took me a few tries before it worked for me, too. But it can be annoying at low levels, when your Ill Foes only have ~700 HP and all decide to attack in the same round where the real Harl decides to counter and kill them all in one hit. My suggestion is to always use Extended Hold on the harl, so you can summon the maximum number of copies before you have to put your AoFW back on. Once you find yourself overkilling Harls, you don't always have to cast Extended Hold Monster on them.

My stupid Ill Foes never attack, they just cast!
Yup, that's what they do, they're stupid. But you are relying on that same stupidity in the enemy Harl, and tipping the probabilities in your favour by having more copies of it, meaning more chances that at least one copy will attack the Harl during the round in which it tries to cast.

Can I fight stuff other than Harls?
Yeah, but Harls are the best investment of your time. Rapscallions can be frozen, but they have 100% Mysticism resistance, so you basically have to throw Ill Foes at them until they die... and they're lower level than Harls, so they give you significantly less experience for your troubles. Gremlins will give you even less experience than Raps, and their attacks do so little damage, Ill Foe copies of them are useless. The one advantage to fighting single Raps and Grems is, having much longer lifespans than Harls, they pick up a LOT of shop food that other players have left behind... you never know what you might find!


The major difference with this strategy from solo is the relief from having to cast through your Amulet of Free Will. Your active toon has a 50% chance of sticking a Hold Monster spell with each cast, and never has to worry about unequipping and re-equipping in the middle of combat. The other toon just has to wear 100% Mysticism Resistance, and doesn't have to be anything more than a shopping cart for all the treasure you pick up!

The drawbacks are, it can be tricky to coordinate the movements of two toons in Maze due to lag. If the Mysticism-resistant toon gets onto a new screen first and gets insta-jumped before the active toon makes it onto the same screen, the active toon is a sitting duck! Also, you have to split treasure if you only have one account...

The benefits are, hunting Maze at ridiculously low levels with low risk and HUGE speed. You will be filling up backpacks with 500k of shop food every 20 minutes, if you and a partner can perfect this strategy. You'll also be gaining crazy fast levels.


Myst Resist/Shopping Cart toon:
Toon stats:
Level 50+ (Able to equip at least Jester's Hat/Lady Of The Realm Hat and a 15% Mysticism Resistance ring)
(Also recommended: High strength in order to carry more treasure; 15 intelligence for a reliable Freeze)

Any combination of the following in order to bring your Mysticism Resistance up to 100%:
Amulet of Free Will (for 60% Mysticism resistance, no level requirement);
Magic Shield (the 25% one; for 25% Mysticism resistance, level 70 required);
25% Mysticism Resistance Ring (level 70 required);
15% Mysticism Resistance Ring (level 40 required);
Jester's/Lady Of The Realm Hat (for 25% Mysticism resistance, level 50 required)
Nightmare Helm (for 50% Mysticism resistance, level 150 required)
(Also recommended: Belt of Carry or Finvarra's Belt, in order to carry more treasure)
Any weapon EXCEPT a throwing dagger. (In order to preserve himself/herself as the prime target of enemy Mysticism spells, the MR toon either has to be the closest toon to the enemy, or in case of a tie, the group leader. Wearing a non-throwing weapon allows the MR toon to stay put, even when guarding, thus never risking the active toon becoming the spell target.)

None necessary.
(Recommended: Greater Shield or Invulnerability; Freeze; Gather the Fellowship)

Active toon:
Toon Stats:
Level ~30 (As long as you earned enough build points to learn the necessary spells, your level doesn't matter.)
Intelligence 15+ (so your Freeze spell never gets shrugged)

None necessary (go naked if ya want!)

Spells: Illusionary Foe, Freeze, Hold Monster (Also recommended: Invulnerability/Greater Shield, Shift, Extension, Duach's Vengeance)


Round -1 (Pre-Maze entry)

Make sure your MR toon has all his or her Mysticism Resistance items equipped.

Make sure you have enough Orbs of Holding to last you for the duration of your hunt.

If you're new to this strategy, buff yourselves to decrease your chances of dying if you screw up. Cast Invulnerability, Extended Greater Invisibility, and any other buffs you think you might need. Drink a Potion of Shifting if you have one.

Have the Mysticism resistant toon open his or her group, then have the active toon join. (It's very important that the MR toon be the group leader, as all Mysticism spells cast by any monster in the first few rounds target the group leader.)

Cast Extension and enter the Maze.

Round 0. (Maze Behaviour)

If you get jumped or ambushed by something you don't want to fight, flee. Coordinate this so both toons flee at once.

It's essential you don't get split up, because without the MR toon, the active toon is defenseless against being Mysted. Lag can sometimes make this difficult; one toon will get insta-jumped on the next screen before the other toon has the chance to make it there. For best results, have the active toon keep Follow On while in group, and let the MR toon do all the walking outside of combat. After a successful combat, you can also leave the active toon in cloud until the MR toon walks around and finds a screen with some Harlequins on it. Let the MR toon get jumped so he/she can flee and have a short grace period in which no monsters will jump that toon again (about four seconds). During this grace period, coordinate the active toon's exit from the combat cloud with the casting of the MR toon's Gather The Fellowship spell.

If you do get split up and you don't want to risk a death or loss of experience, have the active toon cast Home or Teleport away. The MR can always Gather him or her back later.

Find a Harlequin that isn't grouped with any other creature, click on it with either toon, and click "Fight". (Don't make it jump you by casting a curse or Defenselessness as this might waste the Extension spell you cast earlier.) Or, if you prefer, wait until a solitary Harl jumps you.

Round 1.

MR toon guards.

Active toon casts Freeze on the Harlequin.

Round 2.

MR toon guards.

Active toon casts Hold Monster on the Harlequin.

If your cast was resisted, repeat Round 2. (Careful with your round counting here. IF YOUR FREEZE COUNT REACHES 1, GO BACK TO Round 1!!!)

If your cast was successful, move on to Round 3. (We will assume a 5-round hold for these instructions.)


If your MR toon has a reliable Freeze, and isn't too encumbered by all the treasure you've collected, you can combine Round 1 and Round 2. Have the MR toon cast Freeze and the active toon cast Hold Monster. Even if the Harlequin resists the Hold Monster cast, the Freeze will stick. You'll save yourselves a round of combat and the whole process will be even faster!

Round 3:

MR toon guards.

Active toon casts Illusionary Foe. Place your spell about two squares away from the Harlequin. (4 rounds of Hold left.)

Round 4.

MR toon guards. (If the MR toon knows Greater Shield or Invulnerability, instead have him or her cast it on the Illusionary Foe the active toon summoned last round.)

Active toon casts Illusionary Foe again. (3 rounds of Hold left.)

Round 5.

Repeat Round 4 until the Harlequin dies or the Hold Monster spell wears off.

Round 6.

Your actions this round depends on a) the Harlequin's remaining HP and b) how many summoned copies are still alive.

IF the Harl has very low HP, have both toons attack it with a throwing weapon or cast a damage spell on it (Duach's Vengeance works best) so it dies this round. (If there's a chance the Harl could survive you doing this, then it doesn't have low enough HP.)

IF the Harl has high HP, and you still have one or more Illusionary Foes alive, have the active toon cast Freeze each remaining round until either the Harl is dead, or your copies are dead and the Harl is frozen. Have the MR toon cast Greater Heal and Invulnerability as needed to keep the copies alive until they can kill the Harl.

Round 7.

Rebuff, re-Freeze, cast Extension, or do nothing until the Harl's Myst Resistance wears off, then go back to Round 1. (If you used the time to recast Freeze on the Harl, instead go to Round 2.)


As explained previously, if anyone's using a thrower and ESPECIALLY if that thrower is permed with Venom, DON'T CLICK GUARD with that toon.

Round 8.

Have the MR toon collect treasure. (Even at 100% encumbrance this toon's MR will work just as effectively, so load up that shopping cart!)

Have both toons heal and rebuff as necessary while still in combat cloud. (You can cast spells after the fight is over by clicking on your toon, then clicking "Cast".)

Have the MR toon exit combat first, as explained in Round 0 (Maze behaviour).

Find another Harlequin to kill!


0. Have the group leader go 100%MR and leave Follow On. Have Extension cast on the active toon before clicking "Attack" on a harl.
1. MR toon guards. Active toon casts Freeze.
2. MR toon guards. Active toon casts Hold Monster until it sticks.
3. MR toon guards. Active toon casts Ill Foe.
4. MR toon guards or invuls the last Ill Foe cast. Active toon casts Ill Foe. Repeat until the Harl dies.
5. If the Harl is still alive once its Hold wears off, have both toons heal/re-invul the copies until either the Harl dies or all the copies do.
6. If the Harl is still alive once its MR countdown reaches 0, go back to step 1.
7. Once the Harl is dead, have the MR toon collect the treasure, exit combat, and find another Harl to fight. Then have the MR toon immediately cast Gather after the active toon exits the combat cloud.


Is there any way to escalate this strategy? Single harls are too easy for me/us now.
You can use almost every strategy explained above in the Maze Soloing FAQ for fighting two or more Harlequins while grouped. It's a lot easier if the MR toon also has a reliable Freeze because there's more for him or her to do. The only caveat is, BE VERY CAREFUL when fighting more monsters than you can freeze in the first round. If the active toon with no MR gets too close to any monster, he or she risks becoming the target of the monsters' Mysticism spells.

No, I mean, REALLY escalate this strategy?
You can use the Speed Maze strategy to kill the Master Of The Maze in two minutes, three minutes tops. The more HP your Ill Foes have, the better.
The Master Of The Maze has over 80k HP and a very strong regeneration rate, healing him sometimes 5-6k HP per round. Most people, except for large groups of hitters, generally leave him alone. So what you want to do is create your own large group of hitters!
MotM is 100% Myst and Elem resistant, so you won't be able to Freeze him. It helps if your MR toon also can cast Ill Foe, and both your toons can cast Enid's Blessing.
During the first round, have both toons cast Ill Foe. Place the weaker Ill Foe closest to the MotM, and the stronger Ill Foe further away. The weaker Ill Foe should draw the MotM's attack for the following round, enabling your group to take over.
During the second round, follow the repeated Speed Maze step, with your active toon pumping out a new Ill Foe each round and your MR toon Invuling, healing, or EB-ing to keep your copies alive. (A cast of Enid's Blessing a few rounds into the fight works wonders, as your copies are born with an equivalent percentage of HP as the MotM... so when he's almost dead, your new copies are born weak.) Once you have five copies, it shouldn't take more than a couple rounds for them to kill the MotM, as he doesn't have enough counterattacks to kill all of them.

End Stuff

This guide was written and researched/spaded 100% by Sxe. I was given the backbone of this strategy in chat by various people so I can't take all the credit, but I did the spading and recording. If I made a mistake or you have something to add, let me know in-game.
This guide is released with a Creative Commons license. So it's not copyrighted. I can choose to reserve some rights but I choose to reserve none... feel free to copy it, forward it, repost it, even claim it as your own and try to make money off it (ha ha ha).

Edits: (July 17 2007) Forgot about Jester's Hat/Lady Of The Realm hat having 25% non-cast-resist Myst Resist, which lets your MR toon potentially have an even lower level (IE, as soon as he/she can equip a 15% MR ring at level 40).

Sxe 2007